Bokrecension: The Fault In Our Stars

I really enjoyed reading this book, as it definitely was out of my 'comfort zone' and I usually do not go for books like TFIOS. But it was surprisingly good. Funny, kind of poetic, sad, beautiful, and well, I guess, life-changing on a certain level. Or, well... I would'nt go as far as life-changing, but it made me think. And made me want to spend more time with my mom and dad, and just take more pictures, to keep as a memory from some moments in my life that are worth remembering...
Well well, I liked it. It was actually funny at some points and contained plot-twists that i really wasnt expecting, at all. But a tiiiny but to uneventfull for my taste, as I usually read fantasy/action books. That's why I gave it a four, instead of a five. But i DEFINITELY recommend it! :)
Kommer snart se filmen på bio också, så recension på även den, samt jämförelser mellan boken och filmen, läggs upp snart :)

Jag tyckte om boken men gillade nog filmen ännu bättre. Allt blir bättre med lite tillagd musik, känslan blir bättre!